
SKU: ZX-209

ZX-209 Floppy Disk Controller with On- Board RAM

  • Up to 48KB Dual-Ported RAM for I/O Buffering.
  • CP/M-86 BIOS Source Code with ZX-86/28 Available.

The ZX-209 is a floppy disk controller which will control up to four 8 inch or three 51/4 inch double sided, single/double density floppy disk drives. It offers IBM 3740 (FM) single density and IBM System 34 (MFM) double density disk formats, while also providing 16KB, 32KB or 48KB of dual-ported dynamic RAM. Dual-porting makes the RAM available both to the disk for DMA data transfers and to the host processor for data storage and program execution. The ZX-209 is available in 16 or 20-bit addressing version.

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