SKU: INT-SBC286/100
Model: SBC286/100
Manufactured by: Intel Corporation
80286 CPU operating at 8.0MHz 82258 Advanced DMA (ADMA) Controller device with 4 indepandent DMA channels that support data transfers at speeds up to 8 megabytes per second Socket for user-installation of 80287 Math Processor Two 28-pin JEDEC-compatable sockets for JEDEC-standard memory Two 28-pin EPROM sockets for diagnostic firmware or SDM-286 monitor Automatic self-check diagnostics on power-up and on command via the Built-in Self Test (BIST) A 32-bit address and data interface to the iPSB bus, allowing the board to acces up to 4-gigabytes of memory on the bus A 32-bit data and 24-bit address interface to the iLBX II bus, allowing the board to access up to 16-magabytes of memory Interconnect space support for identfication of board type, board configuration, and diagnostic handshake and status Message space support for up to 256 distinct interrupt sources and 256 distinct interrupt destinations SCSI, Centronics, or parallel I/O interface support via 50-pin connector J3 82530 Serial Communications Controller (SCC) device providing 2 serial I/O interfaces (one RS232C interface via J2 and another RS232C or RS422A/RS449 interface via J1) iSBX interface supporting either 8-bit or 16-bit iSBX MULTIMODULE boards Eurocard form factor (8.7 9.2 inches) with 96-pin DIN Connectors on both the iPSB and the iLBX II interfaces Alternate part number SBC286100
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