Model: SBC186/78A
Manufactured by: Intel Corporation
8MHz 80186 integrated microprocessor Top drawing speeds of 1.25 pixels/sec polygon drawing rate: 150K pixels/sec Programmable frame rate and size Simultaneous multiwrite into all planes Two iSBX bus connectors DMA to local bus from iSBX Multimodule, local memory, and Multibus system bus Optional VDI (virtual device interface) graphics software resides on-board Look-Up table generates up to 16 out of a possible 4096 colors i82720 graphic display controller Resolution of 640 x 480 (non-interlaced) Eight 28-Pin memory sites Multiple co-resident frame buffers Serial input support for human interfaces via iSBX Multimodule board Full RS343 or RS170 support Alternate Part Number: SBC18678A
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